We are an art collective that invites you to participate in interactive art installations on the brink of theater. Or is it the other way around? Scroll down to learn more.
If history predicts the future.
Would you change it?
We are an art collective that invites you to participate in interactive art installations on the brink of theater. Or is it the other way around? Scroll down to learn more.
Discover interactive and performative art with playField. We invite you to do more than just watch. Explore what’s possible for you as a member of the audience. Enjoy a shared experience, toy with new ideas, share your own thoughts, and maybe even co-direct the performance.
PlayField is a young art collective with a predilection for technology. We reflect on society and human behavior through art and a variety of sciences like philosophy, sociology, and data science. PlayField explores these topics by focussing on the spectator in a dramaturgy that combines reality with fiction.
Explore our immersive, interactive, and participative installations and performances. We create series on big data, society, (human) (artificial) interaction, the friction between different world views etc. Every topic is explored through multiple projects that are in connection with one another. We invite the audience to actively experience these crossovers between theater, visual arts, new media, and science.
Keep close track of what we’re doing! We will keep you informed about the ins and outs of playField.